Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, Friends! This week has flown by, and I’m not complaining one bit! How was your week?
We are in the process of cleaning things out around our house & making donations. I’m all about “simplicity” around here. This includes my closet. Yikes! Anyone else feel this way?

Here’s another edition of “Friday Favorites” for you!

Voluspa Maison Blanc Candle – Macaron

I love burning a candle while I’m cooking, and I think this one might be the next scent I try out.

Halogen Bow Back Sweater

Does it have a bow? It has three bows! This sweater is adorable, and it also comes in several, happy colors too!

Dolce Vita Katina Mule

These mules are so fun, and classic at the same time! They come in 4 colors.

Tory Burch Rope Knot Stud Earrings

Delicate & pretty traditional stud earrings. Love them in the gold!



Happy Weekending!!

A Short Break, Recipe + Inspiration

Are you as happy to see Friday as I am? I am so excited to simply relax with my family!!

short break

I know that I’ve taken an unexpected, short break from the blogging world; however, when your house is under renovation (aka…the two rooms that you LIVE in with your toddler and puppy, our kitchen and den) it can take a toll on thinking you can get anything “extra” done.  The good news is that we’re back to normal as of today! Hip, hip hooray! And, please know that I can’t wait to show you guys our updates very soon, too! I honestly feel like I’m living in a dream!

I’m thinking of making this recipe this weekend that Christina posted. Does it not look amazing? Her recipes don’t disappoint.

Lastly, I always like to leave a little “inspiration” for you at the end of each post!

Enjoy your weekend, friends!

Monday Inspiration

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day! I hope you were able to see your Mom, and if you couldn’t, I hope you were thinking about her all day long!

 I couldn’t be with my Mom this Mother’s Day, but she was on my mind, in fact, I probably annoyed her a little bit with how many times I called her! I talk to my Mom several times a day. I am very blessed to be as close to my parents as I am, but I do think sometimes my parents wish I could get all of my thoughts out at one time, in one phone call, but I also secretly think they like hearing from me multiple times a day. At least, that’s what I tell myself anyway.

I really love quotes. So, today, I am going to get a little “quote happy” as I like to call it. I always look for new inspiring ways to look at things in life and challenge myself. And here are a few that I am loving lately, so I thought I would share them with you, too.

Enjoy your Monday “Inspiration.”







All images via

Happy Monday!