Monday Inspiration

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day! I hope you were able to see your Mom, and if you couldn’t, I hope you were thinking about her all day long!

 I couldn’t be with my Mom this Mother’s Day, but she was on my mind, in fact, I probably annoyed her a little bit with how many times I called her! I talk to my Mom several times a day. I am very blessed to be as close to my parents as I am, but I do think sometimes my parents wish I could get all of my thoughts out at one time, in one phone call, but I also secretly think they like hearing from me multiple times a day. At least, that’s what I tell myself anyway.

I really love quotes. So, today, I am going to get a little “quote happy” as I like to call it. I always look for new inspiring ways to look at things in life and challenge myself. And here are a few that I am loving lately, so I thought I would share them with you, too.

Enjoy your Monday “Inspiration.”







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Happy Monday!

Draper James

Have you seen Reese Witherspoon’s new line Draper James? It is gorgeous, and I wouldn’t expect anything less from Reese herself. She’s a star that is always perfectly put together, even if she’s going to the gym. I am not surprised at all that she’s gone into designing fashion. I’m so glad. I love the fact that Reese is from the South, values family like I do, and has a beautiful family of her own. Did I mention she has great style? I love her style.

If you haven’t checked out her new line, add it to your to-do list. Below are some of my favorites! Happy Shopping!

Horseshoe Objet


 I love horseshoes. I have loved horses since I was a little girl. I actually had a real horseshoe hanging on my bedroom door growing up. This reminds me of my parent’s home and my childhood, and those are two things that are priceless to me. I might have to add this to my desk.

Derby Bag in Nashville Navy


This bag is lovely. The navy and gold combo is classic and my favorite pairing.

Belle Meade Dress


This dress is so cute. The v-front is flattering, and who can turn down a dress with pockets?

Bristol Short


The magnolia print is really pretty, and again, I’m sold on the navy color!

 Magnolia Link Bracelet


This bracelet is classic and feminine. Love it.

What do you love from Reese Witherspoon’s new line, Draper James?

Peonies in the Garden


Lately on our daily walks, I have been noticing the gorgeous blooms of…peonies! They are stunning in every yard that has them. I keep meaning to stop and take pictures of these pretty flowers every evening, but I just keep walking and admiring them. However, I am now convinced that I need peonies in my garden! They come in so many colors, and I think the pale pink and the white peonies are my favorite.

I am very lucky to have a Mom that just so happens to be a “Master Gardener.” She actually is a certified Master Gardener, and knows everything about plants. She’s been gardening since before I was born, and if you ever want to know where my Mom is, she’s in the yard ( that is if it’s warm enough outside). My Dad jokes and calls her the “Goldie Locks Gardener!” Love them to pieces. They are such a cute couple! The temperature has to be “just right.” Oh, and she doesn’t “sweat” she “glistens!” Needless to say, my Mom lives to be in the garden. My parents have a beautiful garden. She’s so smart, and can even tell you the Latin name of each kind of plant. So, Mom, if you’re reading this, please know that peonies are on my list to add to our garden this year!

Since I stopped working now, I feel like I can spend a little more time in our yard, and I definitely want to add some pretty, blooming plants to our yard.

What flowers do you have in your garden? What are you wanting to add this year?






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