April showers bring May flowers. And, I do love the May flowers. I also like the rain, especially when I don’t have to go anywhere. It’s always nice to have an excuse to stay inside, and get caught up on things around the house that are nagging at me in the back of my head. However, when I was working in an office Monday – Friday you have no choice but to fight the rain battle going in and out of work. I cannot tell you how many pairs of really cute, and I mean cute shoes I ruined wearing into the office during those years. So, a few years ago, I had the bright idea of having a pair of rain boots in the back of my car, and one pair in my office. I also did this with umbrellas. So, no matter when it rained, I was putting my cute shoes in a bag, and putting on a pair of rain boots. One pair is black with white polka dots, and the other pair was solid black (I say was because they didn’t last that long, but they did serve their purpose). They have all kinds of fun prints and colors to choose from, but since I could ride the elevator with the CEO at any moment and time, I figured I should stay conservative on the color/print choice. You just don’t want to draw anymore attention to yourself than you have to in a moment like that one. While I am confident in my rain boot style, it get’s awkward when you stuff your wide leg dress pants into your rain boots, and you look like you’re about to play golf (mimicking Payne Stewart – a class act by the way) instead of going into work. Some days it looked cute because I was wearing a dress and tights, and some days it just looked plain stupid (you cannot predict/plan when it’s going to rain, neither can the weather man) with certain outfits, but my shoes were safe and sound, and that’s really all that matters.
Today, I thankfully don’t have to worry about running into the CEO anymore, but I still want my rain boots to be cute and go with pretty much any outfit I may have on when it decides to rain.
So, since it’s been well over 10 years with my black and white polka dot rain boots (I paid $19.99 for them in new york) I am in need of a new pair. They are now my “yard rain boots,” that I am currently spreading mulch in on the weekends.
Let me tell you 10 years makes a huge difference in pricing of these rain boots, too. I’d say someone is making a killing on the fact that they have now become a fashion statement. Since they are so pricey these days, rain boots will be on my “birthday wish list.” Below are some of my favorite styles/prints right now. We’ll just have to wait to see which pair gets wrapped up…
Splash Rain Boot (Women’s)

I really love the olive green/pink combo on these. Pink/Green is one of my favorite color combinations. They would go with anything I wear, which is a plus.
Joules Welly Print Rain Boots

Navy is classic, add a horse print with a pink accent, and I am sold. I have always loved horses since I was a little girl. Still do.
Women’s Nomad Hurricane Rain Boot

The yellow is just too much fun. Is that such a bad thing? On a rainy day, I wouldn’t mind being reminded that the sun will come out again! Yellow is another favorite color of mine. I get so happy when I see anything yellow.
Women’s LAUREN Ralph Lauren Rossalyn Rain Boots

You can never go wrong with a preppy plaid. I love these too.
Monogrammed Rain Boots with Bows

Seriously? These are darling…and I cannot turn down a monogram or a bow. Could you? I don’t think so…
This will be a tough decision, but thankfully I have a few months to decide! So, see, you can still look adorable rain or shine!