It’s always fun to discover things that other people are loving right now, so I thought I would share with you some things that I’m loving lately. These are random, so bare with me. What are some things that you’re loving lately?

I feel like they start my day off on the right foot. I will make them for my husband and I most mornings now, but we’ve found that our little one likes them just as much as we do. I typically mix up one granny smith apple, 2 or 3 tablespoons of Greek yogurt, one banana, 4-5 strawberries, 1/2 cup of milk, a handful of ice and sometimes I add flax. It’s a great way to get your fruit in for the day.

This has been an awesome investment for us. Between my husband working late in the evenings and the little one’s bedtime, we just can’t seem to catch our shows during the actual time they’re on air. So, we use our Roku. It’s awesome. You decide when you want to watch it. We also have Netflix streaming on our Roku as well (thanks to my brother adding us to his share plan! Thanks big bro!) It’s really convenient for us, and we love it.
Patio Dinners

When the weather is nice, my husband and I will take our dinner and a glass of wine outside. We plug the baby monitor in, and talk about our days. (We also do this on the weekend mornings too, just with our coffee). It makes for a great date night for us at home, just outdoors! We definitely are lighting our citronella candle these days, but it is so worth it to see the sun go down in the evenings together. We do go on date nights occasionally, but we’re such homebodies, so the ones at home are perfect, too!

This year I’ve finally had time to do a little bit of gardening. My Mom is the only reason why I know what I’m doing though. She is my go-to when it comes to plants, where they should go in the yard, and how to take care of them. I even enjoy watering all of the flowers/shrubs in the evenings, too. I hope I can be half as good as my Mom is one day in the garden. I remember as a kid, dreading going to the nurseries with her because I would have rather been playing with my friends at home, and I thought to myself “I’m not going to do this to my kids.” Well, I have to say, I’ve now taken my little one to the nursery several times, and I am so turning into my Mom in so many ways! I laugh about it a lot, but turning into my Mom is the best thing in the world. I now understand her love of gardening. The pretty blooms make me so happy.

I knew in my heart that I always wanted to start a fashion blog, and after I quit my job as a Senior Copywriter in the fashion world to be at home with my little one, I decided it was time. It was well overdue in fact. I love that I get to continue writing, and combine my creative side in photography/fashion. It’s the perfect outlet for me, and hopefully I am inspiring others along the way. I am excited that I’ll be adding more “Outfit Posts” soon, too! I love styling outfits. So stay tuned my friends.
All images in this post via