Happy Wednesday, Friends! I wanted to drop in and say “hi!” during the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. I’m really trying to slow down & truly enjoy the “moments of the season.” I hope that you & yours are doing the same as well!
Instead of giving you another “gift guide,” I thought I’d share with you a few things that I’m “loving lately” for a little bit of a lighter post. I don’t know about you, but sometimes reading all of these “gift guide” posts starts to stress me out about all of the things I have left to do on my list. Anyone else feel this way? Of course, we’re all looking for the perfect gifts for our loved ones (and having help is amazing), but sometimes it’s nice to stumble upon that “perfect gift” on our own, and get that really excited feeling knowing that “yes, this is it, they’ll love it.”
Here’s what I’m “loving lately!”
Leslie Odom Jr., Simply Christmas

His album is amazing, so classic & relaxing for Christmas! Download this album, you won’t regret it, trust me!

These mules are the most comfortable pair of flats that I’ve ever worn. So worth the $24.99! They come in a blush color as well!
Leopard-print Cup

How happy is this cup? I LOVE coffee/tea, & pretty much always have a cup of coffee in my hand (or one that I’m re-heating multiple times a day), so what better way to make it more fun & girly, right?
Moroccan Oil Dry Shampoo

My hair stylist introduced me to this dry shampoo, and oh my, it not only smells heavenly, it works beautifully too!
Hallmark Christmas Movies
I’ve been watching this channel non-stop in the evenings! My poor husband! I literally know what’s going to happen within the first 5 minutes, but I STILL end up watching the entire cheesy movie until the end and even cry, every time! I’ve been watching this movie channel for many, many years. I love feel good movies, especially centered around the magic of Christmas, and I know that I owe my husband a lot of his movie picks after the holidays are over! Poor guy!
Kate Spade 2018 Planner

These planners are great (tons of space available to actually write), and I still write everything down. Old school, I know. I think this is a fun one, even though I actually make a point not to be late. However, if I’m late, it IS probably because I’ve changed my outfit a few too many times. I’ve been guilty of this since the second grade! SO, this might be the planner for next year.
Paper Source Tea Towels

Our oldest is obsessed with puppy dogs, so these “happy howl-iday” tea towels make us pretty darn happy everyday in the kitchen! (I also happen to be pretty obsessed with dogs, too!)
Twilly d’Hermes

I think I have to ask Santa for this for Christmas. In one of my Nordstrom orders, I received a sample of this, and it smells amazing. Even my husband noticed how good it smells, which says something!
Faux Fur Stole

I love the warmth and how chic these faux fur stoles look this time of year!
H&M Turtleneck Sweater

Skinny jeans/pants & an oversized sweater = my winter uniform! So cozy!
Sonix Tortoise iPhone Case

My iPhone case broke a few months ago, so I’ve been on the hunt for a new case, and this one might just fit the bill.

This pretty much sums “me” up. How about you?
Today’s a gift, enjoy it!