I love makeup. I have since I was a teenager when my Mom let me finally start wearing it. I remember all of the girls in middle school were wearing it already, and I begged her to let me start wearing it early. I have never been the type to wear a lot of makeup, because I still like to look as “natural” as you can while still wearing makeup, which to me is the entire point of the stuff in the first place. I think out of anything in the makeup category, mascara has to be the one thing I could not live without, if I were in a desert stranded. I would still somehow find a wand of mascara to put on my eyelashes. I cannot live without my mascara. Some call it vain, some say “it’s just that necessary girls.”
Let me tell you a quick & true story that shows just how serious I am about my mascara. I was running late on my way into work one morning, (which happened a lot of mornings, but that’s a story for later, or never), and I realized my makeup bag was missing my mascara. I typically would put my eye makeup on once I got to the parking lot at work. So, I called one of my managers to see if she had any in her makeup bag at the office. (Please note: I would never recommend sharing mascara, ever, but desperate times call for desperate measures, I was running late to work mind you). She said “no, I don’t have any here, and who cares, your eyes will look fine without it today, no one will even notice.” I thought “No one will notice? Are you kidding me?”. I then proceeded to tell her I was going to be even later to work because I had to make a pit stop at a drugstore. (which was not on my way, in fact it was way out of the way to work). She said “OK, friend, whatever.” Once I arrived at work, I walked into work without wearing any mascara, proceeded to her cube and said “No one will notice…really?” We laughed, but then I ran to my office and put my new mascara wand to work. So, when I say I cannot live without it, I mean it. My manager and my husband thought I was acting completely ridiculous that morning, but I feel totally “off” without mascara.

My first “real” makeup came from the Clinique counter at Belk, and a wand of drugstore mascara. While, I have moved on from Clinique, I still have some favorite drugstore finds to share, as well as my favorite line of makeup that I swear by, Laura Mercier. I have incredibly sensitive skin, so I cannot skimp on the moisturizers, primers, foundation & bronzers; however, I have found a few drugstore beauty buys that I will probably use for years to come.
What’s in your makeup bag? Is there something that you just cannot live without?
Below are my beauty favorites:

Laura Mercier Foundation Mineral Primer
Laura Mercier Mineral Powder
Laura Mercier Matte Radiance Baked Powder Compact (bronzer)
Bobbi Brown Blush
Loreal Voluminous Mascara
Pixie Correction Concentrate
Essie Nail Polish
Butter London Nail Polish
Pixie Shea Butter Lip Balm (not pictured)
And as my Auntie Ersel used to say “I’m going to put my face on!” Love her. My Mom and I have adopted that phrase now. However, now that I am not working, I may not “put my face on” everyday, but I don’t leave home without mascara (duh), eye concealer (for those sleepless nights) and of course, lip gloss.

Have a great weekend!